Creative Ways Your Bathroom Would Look Stunning in Gray

Your home’s bathroom provides solitude when you want to escape from the noise of the outside world. It is one place you should feel comfortable, especially after a long, stressful day. You can boost its warm, inviting vibe by adding gray to it. Tusing Builders and Roofing Services, your premier general contractor, shares some creative ways to recreate your bathroom.

Creative Ways Your Bathroom Would Look Stunning in Gray

1. Blend with Other Neutral Colors

Gray tends to give a cold or industrial feeling when excessively used. You can break it up by layering a variety of shades to help you avoid a monotonous look. You can also paint the walls a nice mid-tone of gray and make use of a vanity mirror with a darker tone.

2. Tiling

The problem with paint is that it tends to chip through the course of time. Tiling an entire wall, in contrast, can help minimize the need for repainting. It can also give a more luxurious vibe to your bathroom. Your remodeling contractor can help you pick the right shade of gray that will suit your theme.

3. Gray and White

Combining these two colors can add sophistication to your bathroom. Since gray tends to be dark, white can help brighten up this area. Moreover, opening it up by adding large windows can lighten up the mood.

4. Fixtures

You don’t have to follow the shiny-tub-and-sink trend. Your bathroom’s fixtures do not necessarily have to be white. Gray fixtures have a sculptural quality that brings uniqueness to the said space.

At Tusing Builders and Roofing Services, we offer excellent roofing and remodeling services to meet your needs. Our team will help you achieve the look you have in mind and guide you through the process. You can also rely on our kitchen and garage renovation services to further enhance your home’s curb appeal and functionality. Give us a call at (866) 262-6115 to learn more. We serve different areas in Ohio, including Cleveland and Sandusky.