
12 Questions to Consider When Choosing the Best Roof System for Your Job

There is a wide variety of roofing systems on the market. If your building needs a replacement, you’ve likely begun to research these options. You may feel overwhelmed, or even like you need a degree in roofing to understand all the choices. Trust Tusing, we can help. We carry the knowledge and experience to thoroughly explain the difference and recommend the best options for your individual building needs.

12 Questions to consider when choosing the right roof for your project:

  1. What is my budget?
  2. What is the slope of my roof?
  3. How could my roof choice impact the occupants of my building?
  4. Do I need to add more insulation?
  5. How much foot traffic does my roof get?
  6. What are the current building codes?
  7. What type of weather will my roof be fighting against?
  8. How many roof penetrations do I have?
  9. Am I looking to acquire LEED Credits?
  10. How easy is it to repair the roof system?
  11. What are the details of the warranty?
  12. Is the new roof system recyclable?

There no “one roof system fits all” system. Tusing Builders and Roofing Services offer a variety of roof systems to fit your needs. Here are several of those choices.

Tusing Builders and Roofing Services can help you navigate the roofing area.

Call us today for a free consult!  866-584-2712






With the substantial number roof systems and types of roofing profiles, Tusing Builders & Roofing Services offers many individualized solutions.

Why say we offer ‘solutions’ as opposed to ‘roof systems’ in this case?

If you have a roof system that is failing, whether that’s because it’s at the end of its life cycle, or the roof was damaged due any number of reasons, then that roof is causing problems.

Problems need solutions.

That is where Tusing Builders & Roofing Services comes in. We don’t simply have just one magical solution that solves all roof problems, no matter the roof system or profile.

You know that’s not how it works.

Instead, we have spent the last 20 years perfecting our craft. That starts by carefully choosing the material and the manufacturers that we use. We have chosen the ones that are leaders in their respective industry. We knew from the start that our company would go the distance in time and success and therefore we needed products that would do the same.


Roof Solutions

·       PVC ·       METAL ·       ROOF COATINGS
·       TPO ·       MODIFIED BITUMEN ·       SHINGLES


Let assess your individual situation and evaluate your roof problems.  Trust Tusing to provide efficient, economical and long-term solutions.  Call (866) 584-2712 or email